Standard Group

Quality British Made Shoe Repair Machinery


Thankfully very few shoe repair shops suffer calamitous fires which destroy the stock and machinery you have spent years developing and investing in.  When it comes to the finishing machinery, so called “bag fires” can cause issues if not spotted soon enough and extinguished.

Standard Engineering have taken it upon themselves to reduce, as far as is practicable, the risk posed by a fire starting in the filter bag of one of their finishers.

 For one, included within our machinery manuals, and regularly mentioned on our website and in our flyers are hints and tips on good machinery housekeeping, which is the best way to avoid letting the finisher reach a condition whereby a fire might be created. 

There are lots of small things the cobbler can do on a daily basis to reduce fire risk.  Regularly using the bag shaker to encourage leather and rubber dust to fall from the inside of the filter bag into the dust drawer.  Making sure the dust drawer is emptied every night to remove from the machine any combustible materials.  Not using the scouring band to trim keybanks (not that any shoe repairer does this of course!)  It is also recommended that the filter bag be replaced every 24 months or so, because the bag fibres can become clogged over time, leaving an internal surface which can ignite if an unfortunate combination of scoured material and sparks conspire against you.

The second level of protection we offer is the supply of filter bags made out of Nomex, fire resistant material, rather than a cotton blend as was once the norm.  These bags will not, themselves, burn.  Flames will cause them to smoulder, and perhaps melt, but not to burst into flames.  This lengthy smouldering process gives the operator ample time to either safely clear the shop and call the fire brigade.

These days Nomex filter bags are fitted on the new and reconditioned finishers that we manufacture as a matter of course.  They also have Nomex filter bags in stock for a number of other finishers, including Power. 

 Now we have introduced a third level of fire safety with the advent of the “Fire Knock Out” canister.  This is a device, fitted within the filter bag, which, when introduced to flames explodes rapid fire suppression material which will bring an out-of-control blaze to a swift halt.

 The “Fire Knock Out” is not a fire prevention system, and doesn’t mean you don’t have to maintain your machine or forego having a Nomex filter bag fitted.  It won’t stop fires from occurring, but it will greatly increase the chance of the fire being contained before it can get out into your shop, causing catastrophic damage.

 Each of the three stages of prevention – Good housekeeping, Nomex filter bag, and “Fire Knock Out” form, together, the best method currently available of protecting your livelihood and keeping both you and your customers safe.

List Snippet
Thankfully very few shoe repair shops suffer calamitous fires which destroy the stock and machinery you have spent years developing and investing in.  When it comes to the finishing machinery, so called “bag fires” can cause issues if not spotted soon eno